Sunday, January 17, 2010

 Report Card for 15th Jan 2010

Live Market Calls

Dhan Bank
buy dhan bank above abive 146 target 149 - 152 SL 144
(Exit at cost)

JK Tyre
Buy above 165 target 170 SL 161
(made high 168)

Power Grid
buy above 117 target 118 - 120 SL 115
(target done)

Short nifty around 5265 - 5270 SL 5280 target 5260 - 5250 - 5240
(Nifty made a low of 5253)

buy nifty around 5250 SL 10 points targets 5270+
(Target hit)

buy neyvelli cmp 170 target 174 SL 168
(Exit at cost)

Short at 5270 SL 5280 target 5260 - 5255 - 5250
(target hit made low of 5251)

JPAssociates Futures
Short near 164 target 162.50 SL 166
(target hit)

Buy near 5250 SL 10 points target 5260+
(Target hit booked at 5261)

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