Thursday, January 21, 2010

 Report Card 21st Jan 2010

Report Card for Commodities


High 16686 Low of 16646 Cmp 16665

All the targets hit on time and booked fully


High 3595 Low 3590 Cmp 3593

Made a low of 3594 during that hour of time, but later on buy side was activated and high of 3608 was seen and then booked the buy call and in the last call shorted at 8 and holded it and all the 3 targets hit at 9 :30 PM

Crude Low 3529

Part II


High 16690 Low of 16566 Cmp 16575

Gold hits all the three targets and we had 3 rounds in the 1st 2 rounds we had booked 50% at the 1st target and rest kept at Stop loss which was not hit and in the 3rd round we booked 50% at 1st target and 2nd round 50% at 3rd target and holded rest above cost in profits,

GOLD LOW 16365 book when ever you want the 3rd round 50%

TIME : 10 : 20 PM

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