Wednesday, March 3, 2010

 Report Card for 3rd March 2010

Pre Market Calls

Buy above 1596 target 1608 - 1621 - 1637 SL - 1588
Sell below 1580 target 1563 - 1551 - 1538 SL - 1590
(Sell call activated and low of 1566.50 was seen booked out at 1573 levels)

Bank of India
Buy above 344.80 target 347.80 - 349.50 - 351.20 SL - 341
Sell below 340.10 target 338.30 - 335.40 - 332.45 SL - 345
(Buy call activated and target high of 349.90 was seen)

Buy above 1990 target 1998 - 2007 - 2017 SL - 1982
Sell below 1980 target 1970 - 1962 - 1953 SL - 1992
(Buy side activated and high of 2025.90 was seen)

Buy above 225.30 target 227.45 - 230 - 232 SL - 221.50
Sell below 220.55 target 218.35 - 216,17 - 214,90 SL - 223.15
(Buy was activated and high of 229.80 was seen)

Buy above 812.45 target 819 - 824 SL - 804
Sell below 802 target 795 - 788 SL - 809
(High of 818.05 was seen)

Live Market Calls

Buy in between 5035 - 5040 target 5056 - 5065 - 5080 SL 5015
(Booked at 5065)

LIC Housing
BUY LIC HOUSING above 764 TGT 790-805 SL 720
(Booked at 780)

Buy at 202 target 207 - 209 SL 199
(Booked at 206)

Nucleus Soft
BUY NUCLUES SOFT @ 129-130 SL 122 TARGET 147
(High of 133.60 was seen booked at cost)

Nifty Whole Day call
buy nifty at 5062 target 5074 - 5086 - 5098 - 5110 SL 5038 and sell at 5039 target 5027 - 5015 - 5003 - 4991 SL 5065
(Nifty hits 2 targets 5086 hit)

Axis Bank Future
BUY AXIS BANK FUTURE at 1148 SL 1144 TARGET 1160 -1165 cmp 1148
(Booked at 1055)

Delivery Calls
Ranbaxy Cash
Buy above 471.83 target 489.53 - 501.53 SL - 463
(high of 484 booked at 483)
(Booked at 490)

Graphite delivery
buy graphite at 82.50 82 target 90 - 95 in 15 - 20 days SL 75
(Closed at 84)
(Carry Forward)

ExideInd delivery and intra
buy exideind at 109,50 SL 105 target 113 - 117 intra or by tomorrow
(Closed at 110.60 )
(Carry Forward)

Educomp Fut
buy educomp fut above 682 target 685 - 690 SL 676 cmp 678
(Booked at 690)

RIL Delivery
buy ril 2 shares just 2 shares make a note 2 shares at 964 :) SL none just buy 2 shares for me :) and see your self :)
(Carry Forward)

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