Thursday, February 4, 2010

 Report Card 4th Feb 2010

Live Market Calls

buy nifty above 4909 target 4915 - 4925 - 4941 and sell below 4899 target 4892 - 4882 - 4866
(Sell side targets done Call over)

Buy nifty at 4880 SL 4860 target 4900 - 4910 - 4925 - 4930 - 4950+
(Booked at 4905)

Bank Nifty
buy bank nifty at 8550 SL 8500 target 8600
(booked at 8575)

Ril cash and Futures
Buy at 1030 SL 1020 1040 - 1045
(Booked at 1035)

Buy at 206 target 212 - 215
(booked at 215)

LT Cash & Futures
Buy at 1430 SL 1418 target 1445 - 1455 - 1470
(booked at 1455 call over)

Buy at 490 SL 482 target 494 - 500
(booked at 500 target done)

Rel Captial
reliance captial above 775 target 782 - 785 SL 769
(booked at 790)

Nifty whole day call
buy nifty above 4901 target 4912 - 4924 - 4936 SL 4873 and sell below 4877 target 4866 - 4854 - 4842 SL 4910
(Sell side 2 targets done booked at 4866)

Nifty sell call 2nd round
sell below 4877 target 4866 - 4854 - 4842 SL 4910
(all targets done)

Sesagoa Futures
sell sesagoa futures below 359 target 356 - 354 SL 362
(all target done)

buy zandu cash above 4735 target 4750 - 4767 SL 4708
(booked at 4780)

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