Wednesday, September 23, 2009

 Report Card 18th

Hello Pirates

Seems to be the bears have taken over the game, but the bulls have not left the play ground they are likely to attack back with greater force as per they have been waiting for the time to party around.

Yet the market has closed in a red note, but our map showed the direction to close our report card at a green note.

Yet again here we are with a out standing performance & the result is as follows : -

The stocks which we had selected for hunting were : -

Reliance Industries - Sell call were initiated & in total we gained 32 points on intra day basis, our target was a very close hit.

IVRCL INFRA - Both buy & sell call was initiated & in total we gained 7.75 points.

Essar Oil - Buy call was activated & in total we gained 3.46 points.

KFA - Target not meet.




Our Nifty sell call was activated & yet again we minted in tons, red or green, bulls or bears, our report card in the end of the session is in green & in favor of bulls & bears are never ever going to enter to take back us.

Nifty sell call was activated & target hit from 4970 - 4954 - 4938, so in total we gained 32 points on intra day basis in just few minutes of fast moves, impressive moves & volatile index.

So in the END of the session, ROCK ON.



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